Black Coffee

So the sore throat was indeed tonsillitis! But, happily, my gig went great last night, and I am working for a hospital. some of my best friends in Beijing came to hear me sing last night, and it made it that much more special. I learned a new song called "Black Coffee" and man, does it throw down the blues. There just isn't anything like being onstage singin' that song with a trumpet, sax and stand-up bass behind you (and having on fabulous new shoes!!!). It was great. I rode Blue Betty to and from the club through the warm Spring night and it was just magical. Now I have to go take my antibiotics and get to bed. But this weekend is a train adventure to some new, more soon!!!! xoxoxo


Unknown said…
Katie, I'm so proud of you! I hope you are loving China and cherishing this experience. I'm jealous! Anytime you want a visitor to come see you - let me know!
D said…
K-T, you rock. Miss you. keep up the good work! oxOO
Hope said…
Wow! Beautiful pic of you overlooking the mountains! I'd love to walk into that club with you on stage! Congrats on the apartment, it looks like an amazing life you are creating there. Keep up the good livin' and keep in touch!

Hope said…
Wow! Beautiful pic of you overlooking the mountains! I'd love to walk into that club with you on stage! Congrats on the apartment, it looks like an amazing life you are creating there. Keep up the good livin' and keep in touch!


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