Faces of the Sovereignty Meeting

Brian and I were honoured to meet the leaders of this dynamic movement.  Peter from the Brisbane Tent Embassy was a joy to talk to and so warm and generous.  This clip here does not do his eloquence justice.  And Dootch, what a generous and sweet man.  We met his son and grandchildren who were so inspiring.

This space of academic brilliance and tenacity,  wisdom and story, and opportunities for going through misunderstanding- this beautiful place; waiting for the dark times to be acknowledged - and grieved.  Maybe together we can heal.  But my whitefella brothers and sisters...we HAVE TO move out of the way- all the way out- and honour the space, time, breathing room and trust the First People to create what they need for their own lives, liberties and pursuits of happiness.  Maybe then "us vs. them" will have a chance to become "we".


*This video was shot by Jeremy Geia from NITV


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