So, biked in the brilliant clear blue (the first I've seen Beijing) of Saturday to the subway, then to the theatre to meet up with my friend Kemin, the director of OLIVER (a musical i helped with here) then back to my friend Jenny's for her birthday party. The music was awesome, a boy named Ben was on the bbq, champagne and grey goose flowed, girls played twister and as the sun went down the candles came out. The cute DJ showed up with his other futbol friends and he got down on one knee to tell me how much he loved my voice. He also

thought I was 25. He he. Tommy and my new friend Jamie came to get me after I dropped my bike at home and we all went to an outdoor/indoor bar/club called "Dos Caligas" which is right next to the Drive-in Movie theatre (i KNOW- how cool is that?). Fairy lights were strung up and people sat in groups outside on wicker mats. Inside was a roster of alternative to hard-core punk bands and I got to pretend I was a teenager and danced my ass off in front of the speakers. At about 2:30 we cabbed it to Nan Jie for some 15 kuai shishkebobs and hotdogs :) and lots of laughing. I had my usual glitter on (which, contrary to popular belief is not only for strippers, Erica) and for some reason everyone else wanted it too- boys

included. So it was a glittery group that made it to a little bar down the road which was pumping out the hip-hop and more dancing ensued. I met two extremely sweet girls just at the beginning of their own life journeys and had a great conversation. We started losing people then, which might have had something to do with the fact that it was starting to get light out (we are pretty far North, so by 4:45 it was pretty much daylight). It was down to just Tommy and myself and the new group who were at the bar. We walked out to go home then everyone tumbled out and started to play soccer (sorry, Futbol) on the street with a half-deflated ball. It was one of the funniest things I've seen- when cars would come by everyone yelled, "CAR! GAME OFF" and then when

they passed, "GAME ON". I had stopped drinking long before that but watching these guys trying to play futbol was truly hilarious in their state. For some reason we got a second wind and Tammy (my new young friend from New Orleans) and I wanted breakfast. Tommy struggled with it for a moment, but finally he came along too :) By this time it was 6:03. On the way to "The Den" we met up with some crazy guy from New York who was angry at the world. I won't repeat his conversation because my Mother reads my blog... I think the accompanying pictures will tell what happened to him. :) After a truly brilliant breakfast (the

guys got bloody marys..well, it WAS Sunday by this point) I stepped out into the bright sunshine of the clearest day yet in Beijing. The Sun was like a laser beam and the clouds were imprinted in the Carolina Blue with razor sharp clarity. By this time it was 8am and I had to be in the South part of town by 9am for a presentation at the Jane Gooddall Institute. oh god. Luckily it was a fantastic ride down, even though I got lost and I really think the kids from the different schools around China made great presentations for what they were doing for the environment in their towns (but I can't be sure because it was all in Chinese). sigh. The

ride back was a little rough, but my iPod gave me the perfect soundtrack- for that last mile I could have used "Chariots of Fire" though...somehow I made it home in time to drop into bed, exhausted but absolutely and completely happy.