RESURRECTION ~ The blog is back

How is it possible that two years have passed?  The last thing I was doing here was showing the Australian film KANYINI around the Northeast, and now, here I am going back to Australia to stay with the subject of the film, Uncle Bob Randall!  How to explain the last two years..there is no time, let me sum up:  Met a man at the SFO airport bus stop, ran the VIP room at HATCH fest Asheville, Man from bus stop came to visit me in North Carolina, I packed up my car a month later and drove to California- where I was a waitress...again, I volunteered at the "Healing Our Spirits Worldwide" conference in Honolulu- where the man asked me to marry him...I said, "Yes", we moved to Sebastopol, CA- where I got a job doing events for a bookstore, met Robert Moss- who wrote "Active Dreaming", which changed our lives, flew back to Asheville to get hitched, flew to Maui to get honeymooned, then life slammed us with all sorts of crazy, then Uncle Bob Randall came to L.A. and we drove down to see him, now am leaving the bookstore in capable hands and Brian and I are going to Uluru, the Red Centre of Australia to stay in Mutijulu Community for three months.  What the world holds after that, I have no idea!


Bruno Ferreira said…
Ok, I'm interested, I'll be following your stories down under.
Safe travels to you two.

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