Day 1 (four days late) through now (day 5, obviously).

When I got back from Australia, I said I wanted to just pack up my car and drive around showing the film, KANYINI, but that was not practical.  Lack of practicality is usually not a viable reason not to do something though, for me (though fun to say, not always best practice). :)  So, last week, after my last day of work teaching GED students in Asheville, I was lucky enough to have a job catering a women's weekend at a retreat centre deep in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains.  So much happened there, that I don't even know where to begin... so i won't say anything.  But, I do believe seeds were planted there that will find their fruition sometime in my future.  <3

The morning after I got back, my Mom and I hit the road for Fort Belvoir, Virginia (just outside of DC).  We went to visit my cousin Vinny (and that's the truth), and it was actually fun to stay on the base.  Strange how growing up in the military comes back to you...

The real adventure began on Wednesday, when I loaded up my computer, a backpack full of books, and my suitcase, to venture into our nation's capitol.  I love Washington (and after being in New York, I must say how much i love the escalators at the DC metro stations...), and I made my way to a coffee shop with Wi-Fi and set to work.

This wasn't the most organized trip, and while I admit that, it has been absolutely perfect and I've learned a great deal.  The screenings have been small- but very meaningful.  Life the Aboriginal anthem, "From Little Things, Big Things Grow...".

After many metro rides, walking up and down hills, a ride on the Chinatown bus to NYC, Long Island RR, Subway, and walking between 17th and 20th (across Broadway and through a parade)... I'm pretty ready to not carry luggage any more.   But funny enough, it kind of feels like it's part of the process.  My world is jam-packed with metaphors, so,  this trip has given me much to work with. :)

Tonight, through an amazing confluence of events, and brilliant friends, I was able to have a screening at The Wild Project on E. 3rd. St. in the Village.  It was amazing.  There is something very satisfying and humbling about doing an event in New York City.

I'm now at my friend's house in Queens (we were roommates in London in a room the size of a closet, with four girls... did I mention how happy I am not to be 20 anymore?), and ready to give these tired bones a rest.  I will dream of massage therapy...

The best parts of all of this have been the connections and conversations.  I don't pretend to know everything, and the subjects of historical trauma, displacement, racism and violence are fraught with minefields- but, maybe some explosions of trapped consciousness wouldn't be a bad thing (at least then we could see the pieces we need to pick up).


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