Life is Good
at the moment, i'm at the East Shore Jazz club, overlooking Hou Hai lake. My friend Jessica is rehearsing for her show tonight. I'm using the bar's computer, because it's touch and go these days for mine. definitely got a 1984 situation here. Yesterday was most amazing. After a lunch party at my house (and finally seeing Chaoyang park from the 14th floor of my building) we went to JingShang Park, which overlooks the Forbidden City. It was most profound, as is always when i
So, we walked to the topmost pagoda and had a breathtaing view of the entire city. And we could even see mountains!!! so, it was moderately clear...yay!!!! Then we ambled through some hutongs and
I left the group and found my way to the National Centre for Performing Arts where I was to see a play called "CiXi and DeLing". My friend Lisa Lu (one of the Mom's from the Joy Luck Club, who I met at the Hawai'i Film Fest) was playing the Dowager Empress and everyone in the theatre burst into applause the first time she came on stage. What a fascinating experience that was. and WHOA what a Theatre Complex. wow. It was the story of the end of the Qing Dynasty, after the Boxer Rebellion and the big issue was Western customs and reform. how strange to be one of only two Westerners in the whole audience of more than 400. And there were times during the play, when one of the characters would make an especially emotional statement, and the whole audience would