I approach Forty as I would an Eating Disorder

For the next six months I'm going to do something amazing every day. It might be having a salad for dinner, or going to the gym...or happy hour at Mai Tais. (Depends on the day) I approach forty like an eating disorder, which will be easier to deal with in hindsight, but here I am now. Geneen Roth wrote a wonderful and heartbreaking book called, "When Food is Love" and I read it through tear-blurred eyes, the first time, when I was about 13. One chapter, in particular, has stayed with me- the part about the little girl and M&Ms: A mother brought her overweight daughter to Ms. Roth, frantically overwrought that her daughter kept gaining wait and she was so young. Ms. Roth asked the little girl what was her favourite treat, "M&Ms!!!" she cried. The mother was instructed to get a pillow case and fill it with the chocolate candy and have her daughter carry it around with her wherever she went. The mother did as instructed and the daught...